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YSRTP chief YS Sharmila arrested over her remarks against Mahabubabad MLA Banoth Shankar Naik | Hyderabad News

HYDERABAD: The Mahabubabad police on Sunday arrested YSRTP chief YS Sharmila in connection with her alleged inappropriate comments against Mahabubabad BRS MLA Banoth Shankar Naik on Saturday evening.
On Sunday morning at around 9.30, Sharmila’s padayatra was reportedly stopped and she was taken into the custody. She was being shifted to Hyderabad.
BRS mandal working president Lunawat Ashok complained that Sharmila insulted MLA Shankar Naik with harsh words, claiming that he was involved in corruption, illegalities, land grabbing, and robbery in a public meeting organized by Vaitepa in Mahabubabad on Saturday evening.
This is her second arrest during her padayatra. Two months ago, she made comments on Narsampet MLA Peddi Sudarshan Reddy following which she was attacked by latter’s followers and her padayatra was stopped. After high court’s permission she started yatra, however, she violated court’s permission and made comments on Mahabubabad MLA Shankar Naik.
According to the Mahabubabad district superintendent of police(DSP) Sharat Chandra Pawar, during her padayatra in Mahabubabad town, provoactive and inflammatory statements have been made to disturb public peace. Obscene speeches have been given to insult the local MLA personally, creating law and order problem. The permission was later cancelled for Praja Prasthanam Padayatra in Mahabubabad district, said Pawar.
Not tolerating Sharmila’s comments on the MLA, his loyalists and ruling party activists tried to attack YSR Telangana Party leaders and their activities. The ruling party activists also pelted stones on vehicles and damaged their vehicles and flexies in Salar Thanda Mahabubabad assembly constituency limits on Sunday.

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