Woman’s interest in intimacy
The level and frequency of satisfaction that a woman experiences in her sexual life is a complex topic. The cause for a lack of interest in intimacy could be physical, psychological, situational or even based in certain religious beliefs. When a woman in particular loses interest in intimacy, it depends on several factors ~
Integration of Love and Sex: For a woman, her sex-life is not separate from the rest of her life. Strong emotional bond and feelings of attachment do get generated in women when they share their bodies with someone. Constitutionally women have an inclination to see everything as inter-related in their lives. In contrast, men have a tendency to compartmentalize different aspects of their lives. A man is able to mentally put aside stressful aspects of his life and keep it separate from his sexual needs. This is rather difficult for women to do. A woman needs good feelings and experiences during the day to have satisfying sex. Men are able to look at sex from a more detached physical standpoint, by excluding emotions of love or other tender feelings through intimacy.
How her partner treats her ‘out of bed’, significantly affects her responsiveness in bed. A harsh tone, rude language, brash behaviour, inattentiveness, criticism, caustic words, put downs or comparisons can make it difficult for a woman to relax, to get emotionally involved, to feel enthusiastic and be passionate during intimacy. It is imperative for a couple to be affectionate and expressive even when they are not in the sexual act. Love, sexuality and affection cannot be compartmentalized for a woman. Good sex is a continuum of romance, affection and closeness.
If a woman associates sex with it being a one-sided activity mostly enjoyed by her male partner who doesn’t bother much about her womanly needs, then over time, her interest in sex may erode.
Lack of Love: A lack of love between partners cannot be blamed always on one partner. Love happens between two individuals and it needs the utmost sensitivity to each other’s needs. Whenever woman loses interest in intimacy, a deep evaluation of their relationship may be required. It may be worthwhile to examine what can one do to bring more depth to one’s relationship and make it more than just about the sex.
Foreplay: If foreplay is not done rightly and adequately, a woman may not feel adequately aroused to engage in penetrative act. Often partners are impatient and want to dive straight into sexual intercourse after a rather abrupt and rushed foreplay. Such repeated experiences of unsatisfactory sex gradually make woman lose her sexual appetite.
A sharing of intimacy is full of nuance and one needs to be willing to put in the work to make it work. It is so necessary to have free and frank discussion on this subject with each other and understand each other’s needs. Heart to heart communication between the partners is the foundation of any troubleshooting pursuits that may be worth your while.
Views expressed above are the author’s own.
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