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Telangana: Robotic surgery to cut long wait time for MNJ patients | Hyderabad News

HYDERABAD: Cancer patients‘ agonising wait for undergoing surgeries at MNJ Institute of Oncology and Regional Cancer Centre is all set to end with the introduction of a new laparoscopic technique and opening of seven new state-of-the-art 3D operation theatres.
MNJ Institute, being a tertiary care centre, gets thousands of patients requiring major and minor surgeries from across the state.

Robotic surgery to cut long wait time for MNJ patients

Currently, cancer patients must wait for two months to undergo surgeries. On any given day, at least 25-30 patients would be on the wait-list for major cancer surgeries at the hospital. However, the situation is likely to change soon with MNJ Institute running experimental 3D laparoscopic surgery for cancer patients, throw open seven 3D theatres, which are under construction, and switch to robotic surgery. Also, until now, surgeries were done with a large incision and ascertaining whether the cancerous tissue was completely removed was difficult, while recovery was slow. Surgery is the third alternative in cancer treatment.
“Seven 3D theatres are ready. With the introduction of advanced systems, our capacity will increase eight times and will make the treatment faster and more precise. We are already running trials and will be launching the facility in a day or two,” MNJ Institute director Dr N Jayalatha said.
The hospital does 2,000 major and 3,000-4,000 minor surgeries each year at its three existing theatres. The theatres, constructed at a cost of 30 crores, are mechanised, and can communicate with each other, that is whatever is happening in one theatre can be seen, and regulated from the other two.

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