MDR E. coli found in poultry farm soil and water, but meat safe in Telangana: Study | Hyderabad News
Of the 38 E. coli isolates recovered from 120 samples collected from various sources of broiler chicken farms in Telangana and AP, 34 were found to have alarmingly high antibiotic-resistant genes.

The researchers said that the heatmap with cluster analysis exhibited that majority of the E. coli isolates recovered from different sources and regions clustered together based on their phenotypic resistance, suggesting co-sharing of resistance. “A significant statistical association between antibiotic resistance with large flock size, poor biosecurity practices, poor workers’ hygiene and poor disinfection practices was noticed.
Further research is required to ensure prudent use of antimicrobials in the poultry sector,” researchers led by Bhiwa Rawool said in the study published in Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases journal. NRCM director Dr S B Barbuddhe said, “None of the chicken samples tested positive for MDR E. coli. It was found only in the environmental samples at the poultry farms. But unhygienic practices in the meat industry can contaminate the meat with water or fodder or any other material with drug-resistant bacteria.” He said: “We have developed nanotechnology mixed with phytochemical plant extract to replace antibiotics. We have successfully tested to eliminate E. coli and Salmonella. More studies are being done on poultry to test the efficacy.”
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