Making love versus having sex
For many people ‘making love’ and ‘having sex’ mean one and the same thing. Even linguistically, these two phrases are often used interchangeably and treated as synonyms of each other.
I once asked this as an open question in a sexology conference while conducting a workshop. To my surprise, even a group of sexologists could not reach a sensible consensus over a difference between ‘making love’ and ‘having sex’.
In my consulting practice I often spend good amount of time explaining couples the difference between these two phrases – ‘making love’ and ‘having sex’ — as the differences between the two are stark, wide and many.
‘Making love’ is predominantly an ‘expression’ of love, affection, strong romantic feelings towards each other… expressed by physically touching, hugging, holding, caressing, kissing… as if verbal expression and words were falling short and are not enough to express their feelings, passion, love and affection for each other.
The excitement while making love often builds gradually, leads to the couple engaging into mutually pleasurable foreplay, followed by a satisfying intercourse. Both the partners ‘give’ each other a lot of pleasure and thus also ‘get’ a lot of pleasure from each other.
The emphasis while making love is always on expression of their love, affection and romantic feelings for each other.
When a couple makes love, it often leads them to feel closer and committed to each other and developing a stronger bond and a relationship.
‘Having sex’, in contrast, is predominantly a physical activity… not essentially between the couple-in-love but possibly between any two ‘individuals’ sexually interested in each other. It also involves sexual touching, kissing, fondling, leading to intercourse; however, the partners are often more keen on enjoying themselves and may not be much invested in showing adequate sensitivity towards the needs of the other.
Mutual consensus and consent are the two things they mainly look for, before they indulge into ‘having sex’. Both the partners ‘take’ from each other the pleasure they desire and thus in turn ‘get’ from each other the pleasure they expected.
Partners could feel sexually satisfied when they have sex, and even may feel obliged to each other; however, it need not essentially build an emotional bond or a committed relationship. One night stand, casual sex, friends with benefits – fall in this category.
I strongly feel this difference needs to be actively told to couples and to all those individuals who are looking out for partners and to be in a relationship. Being sensitive to each other’s needs goes a long way in building a wonderful long term romantic relationship.
As a therapist I do get to examine and analyses a lot of break-ups and counsel broken hearts. Often, it leaves me feeling – I wish someone had explained them the difference between these two phrases bit ‘earlier’.
Views expressed above are the author’s own.
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