
iPhone Autocorrect Feature Gets Trolled on Reddit: See Thread

Have we started relying too much on the autocorrect option on our keypads? If the answer is yes, our fast-paced lives could be the reason behind it. But, this addiction to autocorrect options comes with its own set of nuances and frustrations. A Reddit thread recently discussed the different ways in which the autocorrect on our phones have let us down.

The discussion started with the question, “Is it just me or has the autocorrect been getting worse on iPhones?” The user complained, “Only recently (within the past 5 months) the autocorrect has been seemingly getting worse as time goes on. Am I delusional or are other people experiencing the same thing?”

Other Reddit users replied to this query with their own complaints. Some said that the autocorrect feature overlooks mistakes and proceeds without correcting them. A user wrote, “My biggest gripe is changing words that are typed correctly.”

Another had a specific problem and elaborated it, “About 90 percent of the time I try to type ‘well’ it autocorrects to ‘we’ll’ on its own.”

This user complained that iPhone keypads constantly corrected three-letter words to “ones that make no sense in the sentence context.” Many have agreed to this complaint.

A user wrote that his iPhone constantly changed “and” to “abs” and the change was always made after the person finished typing a sentence. This made it difficult for him to identify the sentence.

This user struggled with words like “stuck” and “eat” that changed into “stuvk” and “oat,” respectively.

iPhone’s faulty autocorrect has also led to embarrassing situations for many people. A user mentioned how “it keeps changing my friends’ name to my exes’ name.”

It’s not just the alphabets that have bothered people. Users have also faced problems when typing numbers. Here’s an example where “50” was always changed into “5-0” for no reason that the user could detect.

A few users couldn’t take all the trouble and switched off the autocorrect feature. 

The autocorrect, which was designed to relieve people of obsessing over their typos, has somehow given them more reason to talk about misspelled words.

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