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Hyderabad private hospital fined Rs 24 crore for property assessment fraud | Hyderabad News

HYDERABAD: The Nizampet Municipal Corporation (NMC) on Monday imposed a penalty of Rs 24 crore on SLG Hospitals for evading property tax by allegedly submitting false assessment documents of the multi-speciality hospital premises located in Nizampet.
According to the notice issued by the corporation, the hospital authorities claimed that its total built up space on a four-acre land parcel was 32,300 square feet, while in reality it is 10 lakh square feet – including two cellars and a G+9 structure above it. This came to light during a recent scrutiny of the hospital’s property tax documents by the corporation. Sources said the civic officials resurveyed the premises and noticed a huge disparity in the tax paid by the healthcare facility and the actual area that it was operating out of.
Turns out, SLG was paying only Rs 49.4 lakh until now. This, when the actual tax as determined by by the urban local body is Rs 96.1 lakh.


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