Horoscope Today: Astrological prediction for October 15, what’s in store for Aries, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and other zodiac signs – more lifestyle
All zodiac signs have their own characteristics and traits which define someone’s personality. Wouldn’t it be helpful if you started your day by already knowing about what’s going to come your way? Read on to find out whether the odds will be in your favour today.
*Aries (March 21-April 20): Those down with an ailment will be on the path to full recovery. Celebratory mood prevails on the home front. Those involved in real estate business can expect a favorable situation. You are likely to take a chance on a scheme that seems lucrative. A new acquisition may put you in the exclusive club of the ‘haves’. Homemakers may go ahead with some changes on the home front. Turning an official overseas trip into a family junket is very much on the cards for some and will prove highly enjoyable.
Love Focus: Lover may find it difficult to take out time for you, but your persistence will pay.
Lucky Colour: Cream
Lucky Alphabet: N
Friendly Numbers: 6, 8
Friendly Zodiac Today: Aquarius & Scorpio
Be careful of: Pisces
*Taurus (April 21-May 20): Those feeling out of shape will be able to take some positive steps on the health front. Unresolved issues should be taken up as a priority to save time. Trying hands on a new investment scheme is likely to prove profitable. You may feel a bit reluctant in calling someone over to your place today. An exciting time is foreseen in the company of friends. Those planning a trip out of town should preferably make advance bookings. Your efforts to own property are likely to prove fruitful.
Love Focus: Your romantic endeavours are likely to bring positive results.
Lucky Colour: Orange
Lucky Alphabet: S
Friendly Numbers: 2, 4, 6
Friendly Zodiac Today: Libra & Aries
Be careful of: Cancer
*Gemini (May 21-Jun 21): Jewellers or those dealing in gold and precious stones can find the day profitable. You will manage to keep off junk food to maintain your level of fitness. Your ideas on the professional front will be received favourably. Something needs to be urgently done on the home front, so don’t neglect it. You are likely to find much joy on the social front with someone special. An evening out, just for a drive, will give you much fun. Chance of setting up a new house may soon come.
Love Focus: You may love someone, but it is best not to have blind faith and entrust him or her with your money.
Lucky Colour: Sky Blue
Lucky Alphabet: P
Friendly Numbers: 9, 12
Friendly Zodiac Today: Cancer & Virgo
Be careful of: Scorpio
*Cancer (Jun 22-July 22): A cash crunch will need to be overcome by tight budgeting. Something positive can be expected on the health front, as you resolve to follow fitness tips in letter and spirit. You will need good negotiating skills to swing a deal in your favour on the professional front. You may plan a family trip to a place you have not seen till now. Don’t disappoint anyone expecting your help on the social front. Setting out on a vacation is foretold and will be most exciting. Favourable outcome of a legal matter can be expected.
Love Focus: You are likely to get close to someone who is taking special care of you.
Lucky Colour: Coral
Lucky Alphabet: Y
Friendly Numbers: 11, 15
Friendly Zodiac Today:Scorpio & Taurus
Be careful of: Aries
*Leo (July 23-August 23): An opportunity on the financial front, if seized immediately, can earn good returns. Steering clear of junk food will be a step in the right direction in restoring good health. Your advice on something important may prove valuable for a workplace colleague, so don’t feel hesitant. Submitting the booking amount for a property is possible for some. A social commitment is likely to consume some of your time today. This is a good day to spend with family. If you are travelling out of town, expect the journey to be most comfortable.
Love Focus: Your love life will be most fulfilling as you manage to draw the one you love closer.
Lucky Colour: Pink
Lucky Alphabet: H
Friendly Numbers: 1, 4
Friendly Zodiac Today: Scorpio & Gemini
Be careful of: Taurus
*Virgo (August 24-September 23): Good returns can be expected by agents in a real estate deal. Overdoing the fitness bit needs to be guarded against on the health front. You will be able to dispel any doubts people may have regarding your professional capabilities. Meeting near and dear ones is on the cards for some. You will take the opportunity of inviting a senior over to your place. Stars appear strong on the travel front, so don’t miss the opportunity to plan a short vacation. Those trying to get the best price for their property may get lucky.
Love Focus: Playing hard to get will be the right strategy on the romantic front.
Lucky Colour: Red
Lucky Alphabet: D
Friendly Numbers: 9, 12
Friendly Zodiac Today: Aries & Cancer
Be careful of: Leo
*Libra (September 24-October 23): Your initiative is likely to keep you fit and energetic. You will have to give up your habit of keeping scores with a home place rival, if you want peace of mind. Those in a new job are likely to learn the ropes fast. A mixed feeling about an investment is likely to put you in a quandary. Socially, your efforts to keep in touch with all will make you popular. Undertaking a journey just to meet your loved ones is possible. Don’t contest the ownership of property without checking at your end.
Love Focus: Young couples are likely to develop a better understanding between themselves.
Lucky Colour: Magenta
Lucky Alphabet: P
Friendly Numbers: 3, 9
Friendly Zodiac Today: Capricorn & Virgo
Be careful of: Taurus
*Scorpio (October 24-November 22): Judiciousness needs to be exercised by those playing the stocks. Trying out something new on the fitness front is possible and may benefit you immensely. You will lead your team to success by completing an important project and get praised for it too. You may be compelled to attend a function despite your reluctance. You will easily be able to counter someone who feels envious towards you. This is a good time to do your bookings for an event or a vacation that you have been looking forward to. Investing in property market cannot be ruled out for some.
Love Focus: Romantic front appears most exciting as lover may have some special plans for you!
Lucky Colour: Peach
Lucky Alphabet: G
Friendly Numbers:2, 11
Friendly Zodiac Today: Sagittarius & Virgo
Be careful of: Leo
*Sagittarius (November 23-December 21): Facelift and painting of house may have to be shelved because of cash crunch. Good routine will help you keep good health. So, don’t reject it out of hand without deliberating upon it. Things remain poised in your favour on the professional or business front. This is your lucky day and beginning of a positive phase of life. You are not likely to leave a chance to go on a short vacation, so get set to enjoy your heart out. Search may be on for a suitable accommodation for those looking for one.
Love Focus: Someone special can be encountered in a social do and mark the beginning of a romantic journey.
Lucky Colour: Brown
Lucky Alphabet: A
Friendly Numbers: 6, 9
Friendly Zodiac Today: Virgo & Capricorn
Be careful of: Gemini
*Capricorn (December 22-January 21): A favourable day is foreseen as far as your financial situation is concerned. Efforts on the health front will keep you fit. Celebratory mood prevails on the home front. Someone can deliberately interfere with your work today, but you will be able to tackle it nicely. An out of town journey will be most welcome and help you in enjoying the beauty of unspoilt nature. It is really surprising how your luck steers you to safety, when chips are down! The day looks favourable on the property price as you get what you seek.
Love Focus: Some of you can be on pins and needles simply waiting for a glimpse of someone you secretly love.
Lucky Colour: White
Lucky Alphabet: Y
Friendly Numbers: 11, 13
Friendly Zodiac Today: Libra & Sagittarius
Be careful of: Leo
*Aquarius (January 22-February 19): Speculation may not bring in the kind of returns you have been expecting. Some doubts may linger about the genuineness of a well wisher in the family. An opportunity to showcase your talents on the professional front may come your way. It is important to avoid excesses. You may get a chance to share some happy moments with a close friend today. Plans may be afoot for a holiday, so get set to enjoy yourself soon! Those looking for a suitable accommodation are likely to get lucky.
Love Focus: Your plans on the love front may not come to fruition, if you are not persistent enough.
Lucky Colour: Crimson
Lucky Alphabet: T
Friendly Numbers: 9, 6
Friendly Zodiac Today: Taurus & Scorpio
Be careful of: Virgo
*Pisces (February 20-March 20): Learning additional skills will add to your income and prestige. Some of you can invest in fitness equipment and benefit from it. Your luck is about to turn for the better, so expect something good happening to you on the personal or professional front. Acquiring a prime property or taking up residence in a posh locality is indicated for some. Gathering of friends and relations is envisaged and will prove great fun. Prior engagements may not allow you to fully enjoy a family do. Good time is likely to be made in a journey undertaken by you.
Love Focus: Romantic life will need to be kept on the backburner today due to your busy schedule.
Lucky Colour: Light Grey
Lucky Alphabet: S
Friendly Numbers: 16, 18
Friendly Zodiac Today: Aries & Scorpio
Be careful of: Taurus
The astrologer can be contacted at psharma@premastrologer.com or support@askmanisha.com
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