Heavy rains in Hyderabad: Floodgates of twin reservoirs lifted | Hyderabad News

HYDERABAD: After Hyderabad city’s century-old two drinking water reservoirs, Osmansagar and Himayat Sagar, reached at brim, due to incessant rains and inflows have flooded into reservoirs, two floodgates of each reservoir, was lifted, on Sunday evening at around 7pm.
Officials of Hyderabad Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board (HMWS&SB) who are monitoring the water levels of these twin reservoirs, for the past two days, have found fresh inflows arriving into them.
“Lifted two floodgates of both Osmansagar and Himayat Sagar reservoirs at a height of one-feet and released excess water into River Musi. For instance, 686 cusecs from Osmansagar and another 208 cusecs from Himayat Sagar, released,” HMWS&SB director-technical, P Ravi Kumar told TOI.
Recorded water level at Osmansagar reservoir on Sunday is 1785-foot against 1790-foot of reservoir’s full tank level’ (FTL) capacity. Simultaneously, in Himayat Sagar, water level is, 1760-foot as against 1763-foot of its FTL, said the HMWS&SB official.
Meanwhile, the HMWS&SB officials alerted the revenue, police and GHMC officials, keeping in view the flood water released into River Musi. “Monitor the situation at low-lying areas situated along the River Musi, closely and alert the locals,” HMWS&SB M Dana Kishore, advised the officials.
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