
EU pushing for deal with Switzerland over Christmas skiing – France's Junior Minister…

Paris: The European Union is still hoping to reach a deal with Switzerland about having a level-playing field over the opening of ski resorts in the region, France’s junior Minister of European Affairs, Clement Beaune, said on Tuesday.

Switzerland allows ski resorts to remain open for domestic tourism, taking a different path from neighbours Italy, France and Germany which are keeping winter sports under wraps over the holiday period in a bid to control the pandemic.

“Concerning Switzerland, talks are ongoing. It’s the sole point where coordination is not quite there yet. But we’re talking to Swiss authorities to avoid any type of unfair competition”, Beaune told RMC radio.

“We’re hoping Switzerland will put restrictive measures (regarding access to ski resorts) in place”, he said.

(This story has been published from a wire agency feed without modifications to the text. Only the headline has been changed.)

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