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Congress seeks meeting on deletion of Photo Similar Entries on voters list | Hyderabad News

HYDERABAD: The Congress has urged Chief Electoral Officer Vikas Raj to convene an all-party meeting to discuss deletion of Photo Similar Entries (PSEs) and linking of Aadhaar with voter ID cards.
In a letter to the chief electoral officer, Telangana Congress senior vice-president G Niranjan said they have found PSEs within the assembly constituencies in the final voter list published on January 5, 2023.
This voters list was published after the EC had undertaken the deletion of Photo Similar Entries within the assembly constituency.
“We would like to know the reason for this lapse. Now EC has taken up deletion of Photo Similar Entries across the assembly constituencies within the state. We request your good-self to explain to us the process being adopted in deleting Photo Similar Entries across the constituencies within the state,” Niranjan stated in the letter.
The Election Commission, in a letter, had said that the submission of Aadhar number in all the registration forms including form-6 is purely voluntary.
But as the EC is insisting on linking Aadhaar number with voter ID card, the district election authorities are linking Aadhaar with voter ID card without seeking the consent of concerned voter and without obtaining form 6B.
“We request you to direct all the district election authorities to submit the form 6B details to CEO and political parties,” he said.

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