Be the fool that travels alone!
“Let’s go for our vacation…who is in?” The excitement of planning a vacation with your friends is only high octane until the plan fizzles out, what follows after that is your disappointment. Because you needed the break, but no one is available to go with you when you need it. In the end, when things work with the overplanned delayed trip, you feel fatigued already. This makes you think, what if you would’ve stepped out on your own without waiting for others to join when you really wanted the break!
We always stop ourselves from doing something we like because we didn’t find the company for it. Someone to join us so that we don’t feel like we are alone, but in reality, even when we end up going with someone, we aren’t necessary with them all the time and sometimes look forward to drifting far into our thoughts to steal a moment of our own.
It is important to do things to liberate yourself in the chaos around us, not enslave. But, we are chained by the unseen chains around us that have set certain norms that we need to follow. But is society something that stops us or is made-up scenarios that make us behave in a way that isn’t what we want? As part of my bucket list, I took a ten-day solo vacation and here are some thoughts from the experience:
Initial awkwardness: When you are on a trip alone, you might feel awkward beginning, especially when you are walking into a restaurant or a bar alone in a new place. The idea is to open up and meet new people, and when you meet new people with similar vibes you multiply the positive vibe surrounding you.
Observe more: Observation is the key to knowing what’s happening and it can only happen when you are still in your environment. The more you are still in your environment the more you can observe the environment you are in. And the more you observe the more you absorb from your environment.
FOMO club: We are all part of this club when we are in our herd where we feel left out if we are not part of the fun club that at least seems fun on social media. The more we are away, the more we miss the fun, which gets us in a downward spiral. And this is what makes us feel that we aren’t doing enough with our potential time at hand. The fear of losing out on a great party happening someplace else stops us from having your What A Nites! by continuing to stay in the place longer where we are actually having fun. Living in the moment is the key and FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) is the enemy of the joy of living in the moment, don’t let the living at the moment get super seeded by the FOMO energy.
Selfie addiction: A bigger travelling fun killer that we have been living with before the COVID era is the selfie pandemic. When we are with people around we are more interested to capture the moment in the camera than we want to live it. The moments we waste to capture the moment in the reels is the moment we waste living it in reality.
Being alone isn’t being lonely: Get the difference right being alone isn’t being lonely. We are designed to be occupied. We are so busy with things around us that it takes an effort to switch off and be alone with our own selves. We don’t know our own flaws if we don’t spend time with ourselves alone. When you are just yourself, you can be your authentic self as when you are trying to be with someone; you need to negotiate and compromise to be with that person so as to avoid conflicts. So being perfectly yourself, you need to be left alone.
Sometimes, we get tired of ourselves or the version we are trying to be in front of people. We try to break away and take a pause in the way of a vacation with our own people. But the bigger question is, are we our real selves in those breaks? Once in a while, being alone helps to understand what is best for you in the loneliness of self. When you are alone, you can get to your own depth to understand your true potential. So to start with don’t stop yourselves from going to the movie you have been waiting for or your favourite restaurant even if you cannot convince someone to come with you. And then take a plunge into your first solo trip as being solivagant is a trip of its own as you get to know yourself by watching your own show sitting in the front row seats and getting self-liberated being a fool who travelled alone!
Views expressed above are the author’s own.
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