
e-vehicle: ETMarkets Investors’ Guide: How to bet on India’s coming e-vehicle boom

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Welcome to ETMarkets’ Investors Guide, a show about asset classes, market trends and investment opportunities. This is Atul P M.

Tesla’s announcement of entering the Indian market has brought the electric vehicle industry into the limelight. The government, too, is actively pushing for citizens to adopt electric vehicles to tackle pollution.

Experts see e-vehicle sales in India hitting 6.3 million units per annum by 2027 from less than 380,000 last year.

Companies such as Tata Motors and Motherson Sumi Systems are already pitching their focus on e-vehicles to investors.

But the rise of e-vehicles will also threaten the multi-billion dollar automobile industry in India that is based on the internal combustion engine and will damage companies that are unable to adapt.

Investors, however, are still puzzled about how to tweak their portfolios to benefit from what seems an unstoppable technological change.’s Chiranjivi Chakraborty caught up with Founder of CapitalMind Deepak Shenoy to talk about e-vehicles and the companies he sees benefitting the most from this technological disruption.

Q. Before we delve into our main theme for the show, I can’t help but ask you what do you make of this “taperless tantrum” that we are seeing in the global bond market. Is this a real cause of worry?

Q. Tesla’s entry into India has finally got the conversation going around e-vehicles in India. How bullish are you about the prospects of e-vehicles?

Q. Which are the company you are backing to be able to adapt to the coming e-vehicle wave and your thoughts on them?

Q. Do you believe that power sector can also be a beneficiary of the e-vehicle story?

Q. The rise of e-vehicles means that a large part of the auto ancillary industry built around the combustion engine will likely perish. Can you give us some examples of the kind of companies that are most at risk and if possible, name a few?

Q. E-vehicles, autonomous driving are part of the larger theme of technological disruption that we are seeing unfold. As a fund manager, how do you protect your portfolio from such events?

Thank you Chiranjivi and Mr. Shenoy, that was indeed an insightful conversation.

That’s it in this week’s edition of the special weekend podcast. Do come back next Saturday for this weekly special. You can check out our regular podcasts on the equity market twice every week day.

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